Faithful to my principles, I have neither the habit of appropriating others’ ideas nor engaging in plagiarism. I must therefore clarify that the subject of this article is not the result of my own reflection but rather that of a dear friend, an expert in military and security affairs, with whom I recently had a discussion. As I do not have his permission to mention his name, I will respect his anonymity. Nevertheless, I extend my sincere gratitude to him for his unwavering patriotism and the sharpness of his analyses. I deeply regret that the political and military leaders of our country do not pay greater attention to such enlightened minds, whose counsel would be of inestimable value. For several decades, Morocco has carved out a unique position in the media and diplomatic war it wages against Algeria and the Polisario Front. At the crossroads of geopolitics and historical rivalries, Rabat has mastered the art of victimization and narrative manipulation, adopting the posture of a mod...
Algeria, the Mecca of revolutionaries, has always defended just causes; its positions have today earned it the hostility of certain parties. The purpose of this blog is to defend Algeria and to deconstruct the lies that harm the image of our beautiful motherland.