Morocco relies on spectacular announcements, showcasing grand ambitions that are often devoid of realism and funding, thus revealing a motivation that is more political than economic. In contrast, Algeria, driven by its pan-African vision, stands out through concrete and impactful achievements, built on its national resources and universally recognized expertise. Neither Africans nor the international community can be deceived: these initiatives, which resemble diversionary tactics, share a common denominator. They aim to fabricate a false legitimacy for the illegal colonization of Western Sahara under the pretext of African solidarity. In the long run, African nations will be able to distinguish sincere commitments from hollow promises. True to its principles of integration and regional development, Algeria continues to strengthen its position as a major and indispensable player in Africa's progress. The Nigeria-Morocco Gas Pipeline: A Distant Dream? The Nigeria-Morocco gas pipe...
Algeria, the Mecca of revolutionaries, has always defended just causes; its positions have today earned it the hostility of certain parties. The purpose of this blog is to defend Algeria and to deconstruct the lies that harm the image of our beautiful motherland.