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Showing posts from June, 2024

France: The Rise of the Far Right and Challenges of Secularism

On June 30, France is gearing up for crucial snap legislative elections, marked by rising political and economic tensions. The French are called to choose their deputies amidst a backdrop of ongoing economic crisis, security concerns, and intense debates on immigration and national identity. The outcome of these elections could redefine the country's political future, with the far-right National Rally (RN) poised to win an absolute majority and potentially form the next government. A Climate of Tension and Controversy In France, the debate on secularism and the place of Islam in society is becoming increasingly heated. Recent events show that Muslims are often targeted by Islamophobic rhetoric and actions, fueled by the far right and certain media outlets. Secularism: A Pretext for Attacks Secularism, a fundamental principle of the French Republic, is sometimes used as a pretext to discriminate against Muslims. Incidents surrounding Muslim religious celebrations are frequently deno

Western Sahara: Morocco's Media Manipulation Tactics Exposed

Faced with the weakness of its claims over Western Sahara and the undeniable right of the Sahrawi people to self-determination, Morocco is increasingly infiltrating Western think tanks, television channels, and foreign newspapers. This strategy aims to demonize Algeria and present Morocco as a victim of alleged Algerian expansionist ambitions in Western Sahara. The Rachid M’Barki Affair: Unveiling Manipulation The case of Franco-Moroccan journalist Rachid M’Barki, a former presenter at BFMTV, perfectly illustrates this strategy. Suspended on January 11, 2023, following an internal investigation revealing foreign interference, he was fired on February 23, 2023, for gross misconduct. The "Story Killers" investigation by Forbidden Stories shed light on the dubious circumstances under which certain content was broadcast on the French channel. Accused of breach of trust and passive private corruption, M’Barki finally admitted to the charges in early 2024. The National Assembly als

23 questions for Algeria's political leaders and those who think the situation is under control

In June 2023, I posed 23 direct questions to Algerian political leaders and those who believe the situation is under control. Our nation stands at a critical crossroads, and it is imperative that our political officials take full responsibility for the decisions they make. The experience of governance under President Bouteflika has shown us the dangers of accountability lapses. Today, the situation is alarming and requires immediate action. I would like to clarify that our goal is not to sow discord or call for protests. We are aware of the significant challenges facing our country, especially with the approaching elections in September 2024. Our aim is to urge the president's team to wake up and take responsibility for the concerns raised through our 23 questions. We call on all citizens who care about the future of our nation to join us in demanding transparency and accountability from our leaders. Together, we can build a better future for Algeria. 1. Can the movements of 1.2 mi

Second Open Letter to President Tebboune: Demand the Immediate Expulsion of Moroccans from our Country

  Mr. President, I take the liberty to write to you once again, sincerely hoping that this letter finds you in good health and receives all the necessary attention. It is with growing concern and an extreme sense of urgency that I take up the pen today, after noting the absence of a response to my previous letter sent in May 2023. Since that date, the situation I described has unfortunately worsened, with a significant increase in Moroccan immigration to Algeria. The risks and threats I highlighted are even more pressing today and can no longer be ignored. The deterioration of national security and the rise in social tensions demand immediate and concrete actions from our government. The established connections between Israeli intelligence services and Morocco, currency smuggling, drug and human trafficking, as well as the incessant provocations by Moroccan YouTubers on our territory, are all alarming signs that require a firm and swift response from the Algerian state. The Moroccan co

A citizen's guide to Algeria's fifth-generation war

Fifth-generation warfare (5GW) is an emerging concept in military strategy and security. It differs from previous generations of warfare in terms of tactics, technology, and the significance of the unconventional sphere. Here are some key characteristics of 5GW: Characteristics of Fifth-Generation Warfare Extreme Asymmetry Unlike traditional wars, 5GW is characterized by conflicts between state and non-state actors, where forces are not balanced in terms of military power. Terrorist groups, hackers, and other unconventional actors play a central role. Use of Advanced Technologies The use of cutting-edge technologies, such as artificial intelligence, drones, cybersecurity, and autonomous weapons, is crucial. These technologies enable remote operations and increased surveillance. Information Warfare The manipulation of information and psychological warfare are at the heart of 5GW. Social media, fake news, and disinformation are used to influence public opinions and destabilize societies.

Algeria's Moroccan Obsession in the Moroccan Press: Western Sahara Conflict and Expansionist Aims

For several years now, the Moroccan press has shown a marked interest in Algeria, an obsession that manifests itself in sustained media coverage that is often critical and biased.  This article explores the reasons for and implications of this focus on Algeria. Historical and Political Context Relations between Morocco and Algeria have historically been tense, primarily due to the Western Sahara issue. Territorial conflict and political divergences have exacerbated tensions between the two neighboring countries, which is reflected in Moroccan media. Press articles often cover Algeria from a comparative angle, highlighting Morocco's purported successes against Algerian challenges, indicating a deep inferiority complex towards the "big brother" Algerian adversary. Western Sahara Conflict The Western Sahara conflict is one of the main sources of tension between Morocco and Algeria and largely fuels Morocco's obsession with Algeria in the media. Western Sahara, a territor