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A citizen's guide to Algeria's fifth-generation war

Fifth-generation warfare (5GW) is an emerging concept in military strategy and security. It differs from previous generations of warfare in terms of tactics, technology, and the significance of the unconventional sphere. Here are some key characteristics of 5GW:

Characteristics of Fifth-Generation Warfare

Extreme Asymmetry

Unlike traditional wars, 5GW is characterized by conflicts between state and non-state actors, where forces are not balanced in terms of military power. Terrorist groups, hackers, and other unconventional actors play a central role.

Use of Advanced Technologies

The use of cutting-edge technologies, such as artificial intelligence, drones, cybersecurity, and autonomous weapons, is crucial. These technologies enable remote operations and increased surveillance.

Information Warfare

The manipulation of information and psychological warfare are at the heart of 5GW. Social media, fake news, and disinformation are used to influence public opinions and destabilize societies.


Conflicts do not take place on traditional battlefields. They can occur anywhere, including cyberspace and economic and social domains.

Multiple and Hybrid Actors

Actors include not only states and regular armies but also corporations, NGOs, hacktivists, and other unconventional entities. Alliances are often temporary and shifting.

Fifth-Generation Warfare (5GW) in Algeria

Fifth-generation warfare in Algeria takes on a particular dimension due to regional tensions, especially with Morocco. These tensions manifest through asymmetrical and unconventional actions that fit perfectly within the framework of 5GW. Here is an in-depth analysis of Moroccan involvement in this type of warfare and the measures Algeria must take to respond effectively.

Cyber Threats and Information Security

Example: Cyberattacks attributed to actors linked to Morocco

Incidents of cyberattacks against critical Algerian infrastructure have been attributed to Moroccan actors, aiming to disrupt the Algerian economy and steal sensitive information. These attacks can target the energy, financial, and government sectors.

Response Measures:

  • Strengthening Cybersecurity: Algeria must invest heavily in advanced technologies to protect its infrastructure from cyberattacks, particularly by developing proactive defense capabilities.
  • International Partnerships: Collaborate with international allies to share threat information and develop common defense strategies.
  • Specialized Training: Train a new generation of cybersecurity professionals to detect and neutralize cyber threats.

Spread of Disinformation

Example: Disinformation campaigns orchestrated by Morocco

Morocco has been accused of orchestrating disinformation campaigns aimed at destabilizing Algeria. These campaigns use social media to spread rumors and false information about Algerian policies and social movements, such as the Hirak protests.

Response Measures:

  • Creating a Crisis Cell for Fact-Checking: A dedicated team should be established to monitor, identify, and quickly counteract online disinformation.
  • Cooperation with Social Media Platforms: Work with major tech companies to detect and remove disinformation content originating from Moroccan sources.
  • Media Literacy Education: Launch national campaigns to educate citizens on the dangers of disinformation and train them to verify information.

Terrorism and Insecurity

Example: Moroccan support for destabilizing groups

Morocco is allegedly supporting some groups that seek to destabilize Algeria by providing refuge or logistical support. These groups use guerrilla and terrorist tactics to weaken Algeria's internal security.

Response Measures:

  • Enhancing Intelligence: Improve intelligence capabilities to detect and neutralize terrorist threats before they materialize.
  • Targeted Special Operations: Use special forces to conduct precise operations against terrorist groups allegedly supported by Morocco.
  • Regional Collaboration: Work with other African countries to isolate and combat terrorist groups and their supporters.

Psychological Warfare

Example: Moroccan propaganda to influence Algerian public opinion

Morocco uses psychological warfare tools to influence Algerian public opinion. This includes disseminating propaganda aimed at sowing division and weakening national cohesion.

Response Measures:

  • Developing Counter-Narratives: Actively produce and disseminate counter-narratives to neutralize Moroccan propaganda.
  • Community Engagement: Involve opinion leaders and local communities to promote messages of solidarity and resilience.
  • De-radicalization Programs: Implement initiatives to counter the effects of propaganda and strengthen social fabric.

Multiple and Hybrid Actors

Example: Militias and armed groups supported by Morocco

Morocco supports some militias and armed groups operating in border regions, complicating security and stability in these areas.

Response Measures:

  • Strengthening Military Presence: Increase and modernize the military presence in border areas to deter and neutralize militias supported by Morocco.
  • Cooperation with Allies: Strengthen alliances with other nations to diplomatically and militarily isolate Morocco.
  • Local Economic Development: Invest in the economic development of border regions to reduce the influence of militias and provide economic alternatives to local populations.


Algeria must adopt a firm and multidimensional approach to counter Moroccan involvement in fifth-generation warfare. This requires investments in cybersecurity, combating disinformation, strengthening intelligence, developing counter-narratives, and increasing military presence in sensitive areas. International and regional cooperation is also essential to isolate threats and enhance national security. Only an integrated and resolute response will allow Algeria to maintain stability in the face of these emerging challenges.


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