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France: The Rise of the Far Right and Challenges of Secularism

On June 30, France is gearing up for crucial snap legislative elections, marked by rising political and economic tensions. The French are called to choose their deputies amidst a backdrop of ongoing economic crisis, security concerns, and intense debates on immigration and national identity. The outcome of these elections could redefine the country's political future, with the far-right National Rally (RN) poised to win an absolute majority and potentially form the next government.

A Climate of Tension and Controversy

In France, the debate on secularism and the place of Islam in society is becoming increasingly heated. Recent events show that Muslims are often targeted by Islamophobic rhetoric and actions, fueled by the far right and certain media outlets.

Secularism: A Pretext for Attacks

Secularism, a fundamental principle of the French Republic, is sometimes used as a pretext to discriminate against Muslims. Incidents surrounding Muslim religious celebrations are frequently denounced by the far right as violations of secularism, while Christian and Jewish holidays do not provoke the same reactions. This unequal treatment raises questions about the fair application of secular principles.

The Rise of Islamophobia

Attacks against Muslims, whether verbal or physical, are on the rise. A recent example is the assault on a young Muslim near a mosque, a racist act that was not widely condemned. This climate of hatred is encouraged by the silence of political leaders and a certain leniency in the judiciary towards Islamophobic acts.

The Far Right in a Strong Position

On June 30, the French will head to the polls for the first round of snap legislative elections. The National Rally (RN), with its anti-immigration and anti-Muslim rhetoric, is favored to win. If the party secures an absolute majority, it could govern France as early as July 8.

A Changing Society

The rise of the far right in France cannot be attributed solely to the economic crisis. The country has undergone a profound change, where tolerance is decreasing and racism is increasing, independent of economic conditions. Media outlets like CNews, which regularly attack Muslims and immigrants, record high ratings, reflecting this shift.

An Urgent Need for Action

Muslims in France face daily challenges: discrimination in employment, harassment on public transport, and prejudice in their children's schools. French society must respond firmly against Islamophobia and ensure that secular principles are applied equally to all, without discrimination.

Impact of the RN Election on Franco-Algerian Relations

The potential election of the National Rally could also have significant repercussions on Franco-Algerian relations. Known for their hardline positions on immigration and foreign policy, RN leaders could harden bilateral relations. However, France and the RN have few levers to exert pressure on Algeria. Algeria has no debts to France or the European Union and does not rely on development aid. Conversely, Algeria, with its increasing strategic weight in the energy sector, could cause problems for France. The RN will thus have to choose between maintaining its doctrine of hatred against Algeria and preserving France's economic interests.


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