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Who is responsible for the decline of Algeria's political class? What is the purpose of Algerian political parties?

Bouteflika has methodically organized and steered the total destruction of Algeria's competent and valuable political class, in order to lock up the political game.  We have noted, with much regret, a deterioration in the quality of policies and the dignity of political practice. We have also witnessed the advent of several phenomena such as :   1. Decline in the quality of political players The emergence of unqualified, opportunistic or ill-intentioned politicians. Instead of serving the general interest, these players are often motivated by personal or financial interests, or by the quest for power. 2. Populism and demagoguery The rise of populism is another aspect of this deterioration. Populist politicians exploit citizens' fears and frustrations by promising simplistic solutions to complex problems, often based on emotional rhetoric rather than facts and rigorous analysis. 3. Weakening of democratic institutions The hobgoblinization of politics is also reflected in the wea

Abdelilah Benkirane delivers a message from King Mohamed VI to the Algerians following the acute economic crisis in Morocco

In a desperate attempt to soften Algerian public opinion, Benkirane chose social networks to address Algerians. He used religious “arguments” to call for reconciliation and union between Morocco and Algeria, in order to face together the geostrategic challenges facing our region, particularly since Russia's war against NATO in Ukraine. Benkirane's message was neither sincere nor serious, since it never referred to the real causes of the crisis between Algeria and Morocco. As usual, Morocco posed as the victim of an Algerian regime that was “immature” and had an unjustified hatred of Morocco. Benkirane has also repeatedly disrespected the Algerian people, portraying them as eternally vassals of foreign powers (France and Turkey), in contrast to Morocco's age-old empire. As long as Morocco continues with this unjustified arrogance and lack of respect towards Algeria and its people, there will be no prospect of reconciliation on the horizon, because the prerequisite for any re

Why does Algeria have no other choice than to impose visa requirements on Moroccan nationals?

On the sidelines of the President of the Republic's trip to the city of Sidi Abdellah, in order to inaugurate new university centers on the occasion of Student Day, Senator Abdelouahab Benzaïm declared: “The Moroccans who come have two caps: Israeli and Moroccan”. Benzaïm is the first Algerian political leader to mention the need to impose a visa on Moroccan nationals for security considerations. Abdelouahab Benzaïm talks about the many Israelis who can now travel to Morocco. “An Israeli cannot obtain a visa to enter Algeria, but if he requests it on behalf of Morocco, he could obtain it,” he clarified. While adding that “all those who return to Algeria from Morocco must be mentioned in a red box”, because according to him, “the Moroccans who come wear two hats: Israeli and Moroccan”. The request from Senator Abdelouahab Benzaïm indeed seems coherent and legitimate, but what seems more urgent to us than the visa request is the immediate expulsion of illegal Moroccans in Algeria. In

Moroccan public broadcaster Medi1 TV accuses Algerian TV of using artificial intelligence to produce a video of the harvest in the wilayas of Adrar and Timimoune!

The media war between Morocco and Algeria has just reached its climax, following the latest outing by MEDI1TV, which has been summoned by the Moroccan regime to serve the Moroccan people with an argument, in order to keep the Moroccan people in ignorance and above all in the belief that Algeria is a backward country that produces nothing and imports everything. In a MEDI1TV broadcast, the Moroccan TV channel falsely accused Algerian TV of using artificial intelligence to create a “propaganda” video about the wheat harvest in the Algerian Sahara.  Very quickly, we saw on social networks dozens of videos of citizens filming the same sequence from several angles, which made it possible to affirm with certainty that the Moroccan allegations were false. Despite this irrefutable evidence, MEDI1TV did not see fit to apologize or correct the fake news broadcast. The informed observer was not surprised by this umpteenth piece of fake news about Algeria in the Moroccan media. Morocco's aim i

Is Iran's response a play or a show of force that profoundly alters the balance of terror in the Middle East?

On August 2, 1990, the second Gulf War broke out. Iraq, under its former President Saddam Hussein, invaded Kuwait, accused of seizing Iraqi oil. An international coalition led by the United States of America and made up of 38 countries was formed under the aegis of the United Nations, to carry out the "Desert Storm" military campaign (January 17 - February 28, 1991), which ended with the announcement of the liberation of Kuwait and the withdrawal of the Iraqi army. Bombing of occupied Palestinian territories As far as we were concerned, the Iraqi army, with the launch of Desert Storm, began bombing Israeli positions with Scud missiles. The Arab masses were delighted to see the Zionist entity targeted, despite the bitterness of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. At the time, Israel denied any material or human loss, which came as a shock to the Arab peoples. In 2021, 30 years later, the Israeli occupation army admitted that Scud missiles launched by Iraq (43 missiles) had killed 14

A failed attempt by Moroccan diplomacy to justify extortion of Algerian embassy property in Rabat

Moroccan diplomacy continues to suffer a series of failures in the handling of files linked to Algeria, the latest of which is linked to the confiscation of the property of the Algerian embassy in Rabat, where the press release from the Algerian Ministry of Affairs foreign countries greatly embarrassed the Moroccan authorities. Who, as usual, resort to Makhzen and his media acolytes to break the deadlock. The media outing of the former Moroccan ambassador to Algeria and the electronic newspaper "Hespress", which cites an "authorized Moroccan diplomatic source", after receiving the green light from the Makhzen, are considered an attempt to save face and provide hazardous justifications for this umpteenth Moroccan provocation against Algerian interests in Morocco. The attempted about-face following the decision to expropriate real estate from the Algerian State by the Moroccan authorities, through an official procedure published in the Moroccan Official Bulletin, is n

Algerian TikTokers, blinded by the lure of easy gain on the Chinese platform, are unknowingly guilty of high treason by encouraging the infiltration of the enemy into the Algerian social fabric.

  For several years now, we have been waging a proxy war against Morocco, which is waging a 4th and 5th generation war against our country, using every conceivable means. Morocco is actively supported in this sinister undertaking by the Israelis and the Emiratis, who provide Morocco with considerable technical and human resources. In this unbalanced equation, Algeria has organized itself around its military institution, reinforcing the cybersecurity of the state's sensitive information systems and communicating widely with its population to explain the nature of the threat we face. Thanks to the mobilization of the Armée Nationale Populaire and a handful of volunteer activists on social networks, Algeria has managed to avoid the worst by unmasking the true intentions of our enemies, and by awakening the consciences of Algerians who innocently believed in a supposed brotherhood with the Moroccan people, indoctrinated from an early age to hate Algeria (cf. Moroccan school curricula,