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Who is responsible for the decline of Algeria's political class? What is the purpose of Algerian political parties?

Bouteflika has methodically organized and steered the total destruction of Algeria's competent and valuable political class, in order to lock up the political game. 

We have noted, with much regret, a deterioration in the quality of policies and the dignity of political practice. We have also witnessed the advent of several phenomena such as :  

1. Decline in the quality of political players

The emergence of unqualified, opportunistic or ill-intentioned politicians. Instead of serving the general interest, these players are often motivated by personal or financial interests, or by the quest for power.

2. Populism and demagoguery

The rise of populism is another aspect of this deterioration. Populist politicians exploit citizens' fears and frustrations by promising simplistic solutions to complex problems, often based on emotional rhetoric rather than facts and rigorous analysis.

3. Weakening of democratic institutions

The hobgoblinization of politics is also reflected in the weakening of democratic institutions. This can include attacks on the independence of the judiciary, the manipulation of elections, or the erosion of press rights.

4. Loss of public confidence

The direct consequence of these phenomena is a loss of confidence on the part of citizens in their leaders and institutions. This mistrust can lead to reduced political participation, widespread cynicism and a weakening of social cohesion.

This Bouteflika “legacy” seems to endure, despite President Tebboune's attempts to moralize public life. We've seen this reminiscence of the past with the RND and the BINA, who clearly haven't understood the new direction Algeria is taking, which is to break definitively with the culture of the cadre and the cult of personality that have done so much harm to Algeria.

All over the world, the missions of a political party are crucial to the proper functioning of a democracy. They include representing citizens, developing programs, taking part in elections, providing political training, framing citizen participation, aggregating interests, monitoring government, promoting values, strengthening democracy and mediating between state and society. In fulfilling these missions, political parties play an indispensable role in structuring and energizing political life.

In Algeria, it's just the opposite! Political parties are nothing but a collection of thugs and opportunists whose sole aim is to take public subsidies and position themselves to obtain positions of responsibility in order to bribe and be bribed. President Tebboune should strike with an iron fist to dissolve these pseudo parties, which make up the vast majority of Algeria's political class.

Without a moralization of public life and an increase in the level and quality of political actors, our country will never be able to achieve its social and economic development objectives.


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