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Is Iran's response a play or a show of force that profoundly alters the balance of terror in the Middle East?

On August 2, 1990, the second Gulf War broke out. Iraq, under its former President Saddam Hussein, invaded Kuwait, accused of seizing Iraqi oil. An international coalition led by the United States of America and made up of 38 countries was formed under the aegis of the United Nations, to carry out the "Desert Storm" military campaign (January 17 - February 28, 1991), which ended with the announcement of the liberation of Kuwait and the withdrawal of the Iraqi army.

Bombing of occupied Palestinian territories

As far as we were concerned, the Iraqi army, with the launch of Desert Storm, began bombing Israeli positions with Scud missiles. The Arab masses were delighted to see the Zionist entity targeted, despite the bitterness of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. At the time, Israel denied any material or human loss, which came as a shock to the Arab peoples.

In 2021, 30 years later, the Israeli occupation army admitted that Scud missiles launched by Iraq (43 missiles) had killed 14 Israelis, wounded hundreds and destroyed numerous installations. The "entity" also admitted that these missiles spread terror in the occupied territories, that they were fired at night and that they hit their target with precision. The Zionist entity lies and breathes lies. This is well known.

It's as if the events of the Gulf War happened yesterday, when the Zionist entity announced that 99% of the Iranian missiles and drones (around 300 planes and missiles) that attacked it (on the night of April 13 to 14) were shot down, and that they didn't hit any targets in the Israeli depths, nor cause any human or material loss to the entity. Why should we believe the army of occupation or its government when they deny the effectiveness of the Iranian attack? Why should we believe the army of occupation or its government when they deny the effectiveness of the Iranian attack?

Biden and the Khamenei threat

Was the Iranian attack "theatrical" and why? Was the attack ineffective? To answer this question, we follow a number of points: The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Ali Khamenei, anticipated it by declaring that Israel's punishment was coming. In response to the bombing of the Iranian consulate in Damascus (1/4/2024) and the assassination of commanders of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, led by General Mohammad Reza Zahedi. Khamenei's promise triggered a state of terror, panic and confusion that gripped the "entity" for days, awaiting a response. Recognize the seriousness of the threat.

Second: U.S. President Joe Biden has publicly and repeatedly warned the "Iranians" not to attack Israel. He said: "Don't do it: Don't do it. He stressed America's commitment to Israel's security and defense, and pressured them through intermediaries to dissuade them from following through on their decision to respond to Israel. To no avail. Iran did not comply with U.S. warnings and pressure, nor did it deter or back down.

Have the Iranian missiles been intercepted?

Third: The U.S. quickly activated a "defense network" to repel the Iranian attack, in which Britain, France and perhaps other European and "Arab" countries unfortunately participated. Biden personally announced that his country had shot down the majority of the drones and missiles before they reached Israel.

This is a very clear indication that the "Zionist entity" could not, on its own, counter this major attack launched by Iran with drones, ballistic missiles and winged missiles. Without the American and European response. That Israel attacks and responds to Iran does not change the effectiveness of the Iranian attack and its message: Israel's depths are no longer safe from targeting if the occupation transgresses against Iran.

Iranian test

Fourth: Iran does not want to be involved in open wars, which would exhaust it and delay its possession of nuclear weapons, if it has not already done so. It may also mean testing missiles and drones in a real military operation, as weapons require practical testing to determine their effectiveness. And testing the defenses and capabilities of enemies or other parties on a potential battlefield.

The latter objective alone merits this attack. In light of the availability of support under international law (since the targeted consulate in Damascus is tantamount to an attack on Iranian territory), this quantity of missiles and drones was used as part of a large-scale operation. This quantity of missiles and drones does not mean that Iran has used everything it had; it may have newer and more powerful weapons at its disposal at the moment, and it has said so.

Suivisme aveugle de l'occident

Iran is a powerful and important country, active in the region and in the Palestinian question. It knows what it wants and how to get it. Some of its detractors, by trivializing its attack on Israel, are motivated by reprehensible sectarian tendencies which contribute, intentionally or unintentionally, to generate violence. They are driven by reprehensible sectarian tendencies which contribute, intentionally or not, to generate and kindle fires of hatred between Muslims and Arabs and to divide them. into Sunnis and Shiites.

Others are unwittingly driven by the absurdities broadcast by “Zionist” Arab satellites, the lack of professionalism and the “electronic militias”. Perhaps they are led by Israelis, or Arabs like us, who really like the "occupation" and consider it closer to them than Iran and their own people.

In our Arab homes, schools and countries we face a problem of "education" based on indoctrination, memorization, recall, listening, obedience and loyalty. This produces individuals who tend to blindly follow "canned opinion" - attack, an Iranian play, for example - and adopt and repeat it, however naive or fabricated it may be. , so that the individual does not have to work on his mind, so many people memorize and do not understand.

The Iranian attack on the Zionist entity is not "theater", of course. On the contrary, it contains very hot and highly incendiary messages. This means that this entity is a “big lie” and is no longer immune, safe. The immunity that has been established in people's minds for decades... The "Al-Aqsa flood" overthrew it in the early hours of the morning of October 7. Those that remain are dissipating again, against the backdrop of the terror and panic that engulfed the "entity" in anticipation of the Iranian attack, and the current confusion over whether or not to respond to Iran. Realize that the world has changed and that what was before the “Flood of Al-Aqsa” is no longer what it was after.


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