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The Relationship Between Algeria and France: A Crisis That Exposes French Arrogance and Algerian Resilience

The relationship between Algeria and France, marked by decades of colonial wounds and persistent tensions, is now enduring one of its most severe crises since Algeria's independence in 1962. This crisis is not merely the result of a passing misunderstanding or isolated disagreements but reflects a profound conflict. It is a clash between a former colonial power unable to move beyond its past and a nation that won its freedom through sacrifice and blood, asserting its sovereignty and dignity against any interference.

France’s Failed Strategy: From Covert Meddling to Petty Tactics

For years, France relied on what is often referred to as its "fifth column" within Algeria to exert indirect influence over the country. However, that network has been dismantled by Algerian patriots determined to safeguard their nation. Stripped of this leverage, France finds itself resorting to petty and desperate actions, attempting to provoke Algeria through indirect means.

After launching selective campaigns against Algerian influencers, France is now targeting ordinary Algerian citizens with discriminatory and humiliating practices, particularly in its airports. The goal is clear: to pressure Algeria indirectly and attempt to sow discord between the Algerian people and their state.

But what France seems to ignore—or perhaps deliberately overlooks—is that the Algerian people, who faced and overcame the brutality of French colonialism, are unbreakable. Forged by adversity, Algerians grow stronger and more unified when faced with external threats. Attempts to undermine their solidarity are doomed to fail.

Disgraceful Practices That Betray France’s Claims of Defending Human Rights

Recent reports of discriminatory and degrading treatment of Algerian citizens at French airports have sparked outrage. These citizens, holding valid visas, were subjected to interminable queues, invasive searches, and racial profiling, with special lanes reportedly set aside exclusively for Algerians.

These actions, perceived as a form of political retaliation, reflect France's inability to impose direct sanctions on Algeria out of fear of economic and diplomatic repercussions. Instead, it has resorted to targeting innocent citizens, hoping this will pressure Algeria into submission.

However, these disgraceful practices only tarnish France's reputation further. A nation that claims to champion human rights has stooped to tactics that reek of humiliation and racism, exposing a fundamental contradiction in its proclaimed values.

The Hypocrisy of French Moral Posturing

It is both ironic and hypocritical that French President Emmanuel Macron accused Algeria of "dishonoring itself" over the detention of writer Boualem Sansal, while France engages in actions that undermine its own credibility.

How can a country that claims to defend universal rights justify such blatantly racist and degrading treatment of foreign nationals on its soil? This double standard reflects a lingering colonial arrogance, as France continues to behave as if it holds the moral high ground in its dealings with Algeria.

The Algerian People: Unified in the Face of Provocation

If France hoped its provocations would sow division among Algerians or weaken their confidence in their government, it has miscalculated disastrously. The Algerian people, shaped by their history of struggle and resistance, will not be shaken by such tactics.

On the contrary, every French provocation strengthens Algerians' unity and deepens their resolve to defend their sovereignty. Their attachment to their homeland and their trust in their leadership only grow stronger in the face of these provocations.

France Humiliates Itself on the International Stage

By adopting policies unworthy of a nation that claims to uphold universal values, France is undermining its own standing on the global stage. Its efforts to pressure Algeria—whether through direct or indirect means—reveal a country struggling with its inability to reconcile with its colonial past and forge a new, equal relationship with Algeria.

While Algeria responds firmly and with dignity, France appears weak and indecisive, exposing itself to ridicule on the international stage.

Conclusion: Mutual Respect or French Isolation

Resolving the crisis between Algeria and France requires a foundation of genuine mutual respect. France must recognize that the era of dominance is over and that indirect pressure tactics will only deepen the rift between the two nations.

If France seeks to restore its credibility, it must start by reviewing its policies and respecting the dignity of all people, including Algerians. Should it continue its provocative behavior, it risks further isolation on the international stage, while Algeria moves forward confidently, united, and proud of its sovereignty and principles.


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