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The Obsession with Algeria in the Ideology of the French Far Right: An Analysis by Benjamin Stora

French historian Benjamin Stora provides a deep historical insight into the obsession of the French far right with Algeria. His analysis, grounded in a profound understanding of Franco-Algerian relations and colonial history, offers an enlightening perspective on the ideological foundations of movements such as the National Front (FN), which later became the National Rally (RN).

The Foundation of the National Front: Between Vichy and the Algerian War

Stora situates the birth of the FN in 1972 in the wake of two significant but distinct events: the Vichy regime (1940-1944) and the Algerian War (1954-1962). According to Stora, the ideology of the French far right draws inspiration from an imperial nostalgia based on a hierarchical and discriminatory order, where the French occupied the top position and the colonized peoples were relegated to the bottom.

Colonial Nostalgia and the Myth of Lost Greatness

In an interview with the Turkish channel TRT in French, Stora describes how the French far right, through the FN and RN, perpetuates a myth of lost imperial greatness. This nostalgia is particularly pronounced among those who lament the period when France possessed a vast empire, including Algeria, which was seen not only as a colony but as an extension of France itself.

The Betrayal by De Gaulle

For the far right, the "tragedy of French Algeria" symbolizes a betrayal, personified by General Charles de Gaulle. De Gaulle is accused of abandoning Algeria by accepting to negotiate with the Provisional Government of the Algerian Republic, which led to Algeria’s independence. He is viewed as responsible for the loss of what they considered an integral part of French territory.

The Role of Algerians in the Far-Right Imagination

Stora highlights that, within this ideology, Algerians are identified as the cause of the collapse of the French colonial empire. They are regarded distinctly from other immigrants due to the symbolic importance of Algeria in the French colonial imagination. The far right seeks to revise the 1968 migration agreements as part of a revenge against Algeria.


Benjamin Stora's analysis highlights how the ideology of the French far right is deeply rooted in imperial nostalgia and resentment towards Algeria and Algerians. This historical perspective sheds light on contemporary dynamics in Franco-Algerian relations and the political discourse of the far right in France.


  1. Stora, Benjamin. La Gangrène et l’Oubli: La mémoire de la guerre d'Algérie. Paris: La Découverte, 1991.
  2. Interview of Benjamin Stora on TRT in French, YouTube, accessed July 7, 2024.
  3. Stora, Benjamin. Les Mémoires dangereuses: La France face à son passé colonial (Algérie, Maroc, Tunisie). Paris: Presses de Sciences Po, 2004.
  4. Stora, Benjamin. La Guerre d'Algérie expliquée à tous. Paris: Seuil, 2012.


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