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Variable-geometry solidarity: why are the Muslim Brothers calling for reconciliation with Morocco?

Since Algeria's independence, we've always been more royalist than the king, sometimes to the detriment of our nation's supreme interests. Algeria has been at the forefront of all the Arab nation's battles (taking part in all the Arab-Israeli wars since 1967), and this overzealousness even led us to break off diplomatic relations with the United States in 1967 in protest at the Americans' unconditional support for the Israelis.

We can say with certainty that Algeria's radical stance on the Palestinian question has been the source of all our problems since December 2, 1977. Indeed, following the Camp David Accords, Algeria and sister Libya initiated the creation of the Front de la Resistance (Resistance Front) in the face of Egypt's normalization with the Zionist entity: Libya, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, and the People's Republic of Yemen. This front ceased to exist after the start of the Iran-Iraq war on September 22, 1980, which was encouraged by the United States.

Since then, the Zionist entity has spared no effort to destroy all the countries that made up this front of Resistance. After 46 years since the creation of this front of Honor and Resistance, we can note with great bitterness that the Zionist entity has succeeded in sending back to the Stone Age, all the countries of this coalition except Algeria, but not for lack of trying.

The black decade that hit Algeria in the early 90s was triggered by a serious political crisis, but the transition to armed struggle was strongly encouraged and supervised by the CIA and Mossad: how can we explain that tens of thousands of Algerian "Afghans" were able to return to Algeria without difficulty? The black decade cost the lives of over 200,000 innocent people in Algeria.

Dozens of pages could be written describing the sacrifices Algeria has made in support of just causes in the Arab and Muslim world. The question I would like to ask in this article is what have we gained in return? Did the organizations that represent the Arab or Muslim nations support Algeria when we were in the doldrums? The answer is NO.

Today's call by the World Organization of Muslim Scholars to bury the hatchet with the Moroccan regime is yet another reminder that the very people we fought for hate us and want to see us destroyed. How can there be a call for reconciliation where the aggressor and the aggressed are put on the same level? Why didn't these organizations speak out when the Zionist entity threatened Algeria from the Moroccan capital Rabat? Why didn't these organizations denounce Hassan II's Morocco, which allowed the GIA to use Morocco as a rear base?

The victory of American-Zionist imperialism over the Arab nations means that all the organizations that are supposed to represent Arabs and Muslims are de facto subjugated to the Zionist lobby. So it's only natural that the organization chaired by the sinister Ali Al-Qaradaghi should support Morocco, which is in the vanguard of Arab Zionism. So we shouldn't be surprised or angry with them. Rather, we should understand the situation and take the appropriate measures to stop participating in these masquerades, where we are systematically the "turkeys in the net".  Why does Algeria give credence to these Zionist organizations by allowing our scholars to take part in the meetings of these NATO Sheikhs?

In conclusion, Algeria has no choice but to focus on its home front, and we must, now more than ever, make Algerians aware of these implacable realities so that we are less naïve and understand that these organizations are working against our interests. That's why we need to follow Algerian religious currents and not follow obediences foreign to Algeria because experience has shown us that our enemies use the religious fiber of Algerians to strike at our country: that's what happened during the black decade when terrorists went up to the maquis following Fatwa issued by Saudi Wahabi Sheikhs and came down from the maquis following Fatwa issued by the same sinister Sheikhs.


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