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Algeria must fight with the greatest firmness all those who work to divide the Algerians

Enemies from the inside are more dangerous than enemies from the outside. Algeria must fight with the utmost firmness all those who work to divide the Algerians. 

Since the summer of 2019, we have seen several energumens appearing on the public scene who advocate hatred against our compatriots in the region of Kabylia. At the time, we believed that these attacks were personal initiatives without there being an organized character behind the numerous hate campaigns, especially on social networks. The development of events and the speech of some political leaders like Naima Salhi convinced us that these attacks were not isolated cases or personal initiatives of bitter people suffering from a superiority or inferiority complex, but it was a structured project, this project was called "ZERO KABYLE".

In this article, we are not going to make an exposé on the origins of this project, or on its Emirati architects, or even less on its numerous Algerian executors, who were generally blinded by an anti-Kabyle hatred, and did not understand the real stakes behind this demonic project to affect the Algerian national unity and thus to undermine the stability of the Algerian state.

This "ZERO KABYLE" plan is part of the many facets of the Zionist plan which aims to destroy the Arab states that may present a threat to it. The useful idiots of the false pan-Arabism have still not understood that they have been largely manipulated by people subservient to Zionist theses (the Emirates) to undermine national unity. How can one have the idea of attacking fellow countrymen? How can one denigrate a national language? How can one denigrate Algerian traditions? How can one make a region that has given so much for Algeria look like a region of traitors submitted to the French colonial rule, when one knows that the region of Kabylia was the last Algerian region that France pacified?

What many people don't know is that this plan, which largely degenerated during the Hirak, was almost used by Algeria's enemies to justify a NATO military intervention in our country under the pretext of protecting the Kabylian minority from imminent genocide. The MAK terrorist movement was in contact with several European chancelleries, notably France, in order to organize during the fifth week of the Hirak a Libyan-style intervention in Algeria. This was the purpose of the "ZERO KABYLE" plan launched in the summer of 2019 and endorsed by several happy fools who thought they were defending the Arab values of Algeria by attacking their Algerian brothers in the Kabylia region. Thanks to the vigilance of the Algerian authorities and especially to the help of our Russian friends, this plan has been foiled.

Today in 2022, history seems to repeat itself, we see appearing on social networks several energetic, several thugs who act on Twitter, Facebook and Youtube to disseminate hateful content to stigmatize a region and the entire Amazigh culture in Algeria. The personal attacks that we suffer on social networks are the perfect illustration of this phenomenon.

We want everyone to understand that our constitution is very clear on the Algerian identity and on the national constants: Islam, Arabness and Amazighness. These three constants are pillars that we cannot touch. A true Algerian patriot must ensure the solidification of these three pillars that will make our Algerian home front immune to any attempt to undermine the security of the state.

Finally, we sincerely hope that the highest authorities of the state will take up this sensitive issue to crack down with the utmost celerity and firmness against all these sorcerers' apprentices who are running after the views and who are seriously harming the national unity.


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