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Morocco, an empire of 12 centuries?

Since Morocco's interdependence in 1956 (cf. the La Celle-Saint-Cloud interdependence agreements of November 6, 1955, *), Hassan II has constructed a Moroccan national narrative out of odds and ends, by appropriating the history of the region's peoples. According to this Moroccan national novel, Morocco is an empire spanning more than 12 centuries, dating back to 789. The problem with this national narrative is that it's not coherent, because there's no continuity between the different states or dynasties that have succeeded one another, and even worse: all these states were created by foreigners who have no connection with Morocco: Youssef Ibn Tachfine's Almoravids arrived from Mauritania. The Almohads of Abdelmoumen, who are Algerian Zenets. The Marinids and Wattassids were also Algerian Zenets. The Saadians and Alawites came from Saudi Arabia. Moreover, it's surprising to hear talk of an empire when we know that the authority of the Alaouite sultans did not e

Variable-geometry solidarity: why are the Muslim Brothers calling for reconciliation with Morocco?

Since Algeria's independence, we've always been more royalist than the king, sometimes to the detriment of our nation's supreme interests. Algeria has been at the forefront of all the Arab nation's battles (taking part in all the Arab-Israeli wars since 1967), and this overzealousness even led us to break off diplomatic relations with the United States in 1967 in protest at the Americans' unconditional support for the Israelis. We can say with certainty that Algeria's radical stance on the Palestinian question has been the source of all our problems since December 2, 1977. Indeed, following the Camp David Accords, Algeria and sister Libya initiated the creation of the Front de la Resistance (Resistance Front) in the face of Egypt's normalization with the Zionist entity: Libya, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, and the People's Republic of Yemen. This front ceased to exist after the start of the Iran-Iraq war on September 22, 1980, which was encouraged by the Unite

Who's behind the mysterious Liberation Movement of Southern Algeria?

In a recent development, several fake news items have emerged, involving a mysterious independence movement in southern Algeria (MLSA - mouvement de libération du sud de l'Algérie), which claims to be operating in Algeria and even announces that it has killed sixteen Algerian soldiers and several other mercenaries from the Wagner group in several operations between the localities of Timiaouine and Bordj Badji Mokhtar. To ascertain the credibility of this movement (MLSA - mouvement de libération du sud de l'Algérie), we first contacted citizens of the wilaya of Bordj Badji Mokhtar to find out if they had heard of this mysterious movement. Nobody knows anything about this movement! The second step was to call in Algerian cybersecurity experts to find out the origin of the Twitter account used by this movement. The analysis of the Algerian experts is implacable: the account in question was created in April 2023 and uses a Moroccan telephone number for double Twitter authentication

Mossad (Zionist Entity), DGSE (France) and DGED (Morocco) align in a meeting in Tel Aviv, before taking action

According to the Algerian daily El-Khabar, which claims to rely on reliable and authorized sources (i.e. Algerian intelligence services), Israeli (Mossad), French (DGSE) and Moroccan (DGED) intelligence officers met in Tel Aviv on Monday May 29, 2023, to discuss a single topic on the meeting agenda: destabilizing Algeria and Tunisia.  The tripartite plan would involve destabilization actions targeting national unity in several Algerian wilayas, in particular Algiers, Oran, Tizi-Ouzou and Béjaïa. The reputation of the daily El-Khabar and its proximity to certain authorized circles means that we have to take this information, which appears to be precise and detailed, very seriously. El-Khabar's source even gives the number of French and Moroccan intelligence officers involved in this meeting (5 French officers and 14 Moroccan officers). This information reminds us that our country has been under Zionist threat since 1977, because of our country's refusal to accept the dishonor of

Open letter to the President of the Republic Mr. Abdelmadjid Tebboune

Dear Mr. President, I hope this letter finds you in good health. It is with a heavy heart that I write to you today to express my deep concern and displeasure regarding the presence of more than 1.2 million Moroccans in the holy land of Algeria. As a concerned and responsible citizen, I feel I must bring this matter to your attention. First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the connections between the Israeli intelligence services and Morocco. Indeed, it has been revealed (cf. Georges Malbrunot's revelation) that Mossad recruited massively in the Moroccan community in France. Who is to say that the Zionist entity does not do the same thing in Algeria? This question is a source of distress and frustration for the citizens of our country, who are losing hope in our national representation which is supposed to defend the supreme interest of the nation. Why should we keep on our soil nationals from an enemy country? Why not send these people home to worsen the social and e

Amira Bouraoui, Ihsane El Kadi, MAK, Rachad: the waltz of traitors to Algeria (by Mohsen Abdelmoumen)

Algeria is at the center of a case of French-style "barbouzerie" with the exfiltration of Amira Bouraoui by the French embassy in Tunis. The latest recruit to join the cohort of traitorous corporates to Algeria, the "great resister", the passionate of the Hirak, the militant of "democracies" (!), of "freedom of expression" and "human rights" - especially if they are LGBTQ! -and who is not even a Mata Hari of the third or fourth zone, has left Algeria clandestinely with the help of France, this France which has not changed since the Rainbow Warrior and Taiwan frigates affair. The factory of traitors and felons is definitely a full-time factory, and those who work for their masters across the seas are not unemployed. One wonders in which vile laboratory such specimens have been produced because they have no equal elsewhere in the world. While Algeria is the permanent target of the empire and its vassals, our country is faced with an erupt

Do the Algerians really want the opening of the borders with Morocco?

The closure of the land borders between Algeria and Morocco in 1994 caused significant damage to the economic fabric of the Moroccan regions bordering Algeria. Indeed, these "Moroccan" regions lived exclusively from smuggling and drug trafficking with Algeria. The economic crisis in the region of Oujda has become even more acute since 2016 when Algeria undertook pharaonic works by digging trenches that separate the two borders: these trenches, 11 meters deep and 8 meters wide, have substantially reduced smuggling between Morocco and Algeria. Since 2016, not a week goes by without seeing "spontaneous" demonstrations organized by the Moroccan Makhzen, to beg the Algerian authorities to open the borders and put an end to the ordeal of more than 4 million Moroccans who were living on the hook of Algeria. On the Algerian side the establishment of the trenches has been beneficial for Algerians living in the border regions, as it has meant a definitive end to the shortages